We have created this Preferred Professionals Directory for your benefit. In it you will find a number of providers that offer services that may be useful to you. We have included professional providers along with many individuals that provide exceptional service both inside and outside the home.
All of these service providers have shown the quality of their work and exceptionally high level of service, (verified by our personal experience with them), and they are some of the best in their respective industries. These are people you can trust.
In the future, as we discover other exceptional individuals, we will be adding them to this site and will send you an email with an explanation of what they do and how they may be of service to you. Be sure to check back on this site often or give us a call if you have a quality referral to give! We love learning about others that give exceptional service as well!!
We hope you enjoy this connection to people you can trust.
Attorneys – Employment Law
Rachel Nelson, Nelson Law Offices, Woodland Hills, 818-227-5090, email: ran@nelsonlawofficeapc.com; www.nelsonlawofficeapc.com
Attorneys – Family Law
Lindsey Green, Gumm & Green, LLP, Westlake Village, work: 818- 707-4233, email: lindsey@gummandgreen.com; www.gummandgreen.com
Sylvia Soto, Comis Kettle & Kinney, Oxnard, 805-604-4100, email: ssoto@calattys.com; www.calattys.com
Kendra Thomas, Thomas Law Offices, Woodland Hills, Work: (877) 479-7970; Email: kthomas@law-thomas.com; www.law-thomas.com
Attorney – Elder Care
Esther Hopkins, Law Offices of Esther Hopkins, Estate and Business Succession Planning, Work: 818-206-8711 www.hopkinslawgroup.com
Attorneys – Estate Planning
Geoffrey S. Sindon, Law Offices of Geoffrey S. Sindon, Thousand Oaks, 805-492-4044. email: GSindon@Sindon-Law.com;
Judith Perez, Perez & Hawes Attorneys at Law, Calabasas, Phone: 818-884-3991, www.perezhawes.com
Attorneys – Real Estate
Don Lanson, Manfredi Levine Eccles Miller & Lanson, Westlake Village, 805-379-1919, email: dlanson@manfredilevine.com;www.manfredilevine.com
Select Blinds, on-line ordering: www.selectblinds.com
3 Day Blinds, On-line and Appointments: 877-545-0037, 3dayblinds.com
Carpet Care
Russ, A&R Carpet Care, Simi Valley, 805-526-2029 Mobile: 805-404-4187; www.arcarpetcare.com/index.html
College Strategies
Nancy Paul, Three Wishes College Strategies/Nancy Paul Inc., Westlake Village, 805-870-2610, email: nancy@nancypaulinc.com; ThreeWishesCollegeStrategies.com
Commercial Realtor
David Massie, DJM Commercial Real Estate, Agoura Hills, 805-217-0791, email: david@djmcre.com; www.djmcre.com
Jaqueline Subka, DDS, Thousand Oaks, (805) 373-1919; 844-791-7194, http://www.subkadds.com
Philip Shindler, DDS, Westlake Village, (805) 409-2970, www.philipshindlerdds.com
Ken Hansen Electric, Thousand Oaks, 805-338-6811 www.kenhansenelectric.com
American Electrical Services, Simi Valley, 805-522-9792
Dr. Randolph Capri, Westlake Village, 805-495-0551 www.randolphcaprimd.com/
Flooring 101, Ask for Missy, 805-427-3156
Tim Talan, Traditional Floors – Hardwood Floor Refinishing and installation, 805-499-0927 or 805-469-7622
Jose - 805-827-8375
Dr. Robert Grossman or Dr. Hannah Grossman, Grossman & Grossman, MDS, Thousand Oaks, 805-498-0240 www.grossmanobgyn.com
Greatway Roofing, Ventura County, 805-484-2771 or 805-523-2550
August Roofing, Roofing and Solar, Simi Valley, Phone: 805-244-8451
Brad The Handyman 818-675-5638
House Keeping
Milagro Garcia and Team, Thousand Oaks, 818-326-4735
Mortgage Brokers
Scott Gillman, Homebridge, Westlake Village, 818-438-7719,
email: scott.gilman@homebridge.com
Sharon Coppola, Reverse Mortgages, Oak Park, 818-414-7192
Moving Companies
Lindeman's Professional Movers - 800-893-6750, www.lindemansprofessionalmovers.com
Meathead Movers - 805-269-6206, www.meatheadmovers.com
Skinny Wimp Moving Co. - 805-469-4677, www.skinnywimpmoving.com
United Van Lines - 877-740-3036, www.unitedvanlines.com/
Dr. Trinh, All Eye Care, Thousand Oaks, 805-495-4625 aecoptometry.com
Dr. Raymond Lubberts, Westlake Village, 805-469-9778; lubbertsorthodontics.com
Yong Kim, 213-761-2917
Pet Grooming
Debbie’s Pet Grooming, Thousand Oaks, 805-494 5007
Holistic Veterinary Center, Calabasas, 818-880-0838
Conejo Valley Vet, Thousand Oaks, OPEN 24/7, 805-495-4671